Thailand Branch Office Setup

Thailand Branch Office Setup


Thailand Branch Office Setup. Thailand, with its strategic location in Southeast Asia, strong economic growth, and business-friendly environment, is an attractive destination for foreign companies looking to expand their reach. One option for entering the Thai market is by establishing a branch office.

This article explores the key aspects of setting up a branch office in Thailand:

What is a Branch Office?

A branch office is an extension of a foreign company operating in Thailand. Unlike a subsidiary company, a branch office is not a separate legal entity. It has no shareholders or directors of its own, and all operations are directly controlled by the parent company abroad.

Why Choose a Branch Office?

  • 100% Foreign Ownership: Branch offices allow for complete foreign ownership, unlike some business structures in Thailand that require local partnerships.
  • Simpler Structure: Setting up a branch office is often faster and less complex compared to incorporating a Thai company.
  • Direct Control: The parent company maintains full control over the branch’s operations and finances.

Things to Consider

  • Minimum Capital: There is a minimum capital requirement, which can be 2 million baht (approximately $56,000 USD) or 3 million baht (approximately $84,000 USD) depending on the business activities.
  • Foreign Business License: A Foreign Business License (FBL) is required if the branch office engages in certain activities restricted to foreign companies.
  • Taxation: Branch offices are subject to Thai corporate income tax on their profits generated in Thailand.

Branch Office Setup Process

  1. Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to ensure your business aligns with Thai regulations and has strong growth potential.
  2. Appoint a Legal Representative: Designate a legal representative in Thailand to handle the registration process and act as a liaison with Thai authorities.
  3. Prepare Registration Documents: Assemble required documents such as the parent company’s certificate of incorporation, financial statements, and a business plan.
  4. Apply for FBL (if required): If your business activities fall under restricted categories, obtain an FBL from the Department of Business Development.
  5. Branch Office Registration: Register the branch office with the Department of Business Development.

Benefits of Using Professional Help

Setting up a branch office in Thailand can involve navigating complex legalities and regulations. Consider seeking assistance from a qualified lawyer or business consultant with expertise in Thai business formation. They can guide you through the process, ensuring compliance and a smooth setup for your branch office.


A branch office can be a viable option for foreign companies seeking to enter the Thai market. By understanding the requirements, procedures, and potential benefits, you can make an informed decision about whether a branch office is the right fit for your business goals in Thailand.

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