Contract Review in Thailand

Sales Contract Review in Thailand


A sales contract is a vital part of buying property in Thailand. It specifies the property’s features and payment schedule, as well as any late payment penalties. It should also match the property information mentioned on the title deed and government permits.

Having your contract reviewed by a legal professional can reduce liability and ensure a smooth transaction. It can also help you decide on the best ownership structure for your investment.

Legal Requirements

Buying property in Thailand requires that you have your contract reviewed by a lawyer. This is a necessary procedure that strengthens your position, reduces liability and ensures a successful purchase. It also helps you avoid ambiguous clauses and choose the right ownership structure.

The review process includes checking that the information in the contract matches with the title deed, government permit and tax information. It will also check that the contract follows environmental regulations and other laws. Additionally, it will add provisions that prevent buyers from defaulting on payments.

A property lawyer will read the contract line by line to highlight any issues and ensure that the document meets all legal requirements. This is especially important for foreign buyers who may not be familiar with the local laws. A lawyer will also make sure that the contract is valid and that it transfers property rights. They will also help you make any amendments to the contract.

Checking the Title Deed

A contract review is particularly important for foreign buyers, who are not familiar with Thailand’s property laws. Having a legal professional review the contract will help ensure that the terms are in accordance with local laws and will reduce liability for both parties. In addition, a contract review will clarify the rights and responsibilities of each party, preventing legal ambiguities.

When reviewing a sales contract, it is important to check the title deed and make sure that the information is the same as that on the sales contract. Also, it is essential to check whether the land and the buildings on it comply with zoning regulations and environmental laws. A legal practitioner can also verify the registered value of the property and investigate any debts or litigation cases against the owner. This will prevent future legal problems with the ownership structure. A good contract should also specify price per square meter and payment terms, including late payment penalties.

Checking the Property Information

When purchasing property in Thailand, the sales contract usually lists the basic rights and obligations of both parties. This information may be in either English or Thai. However, it is important to have a lawyer who is familiar with the local market review this contract to ensure that all the necessary information has been included. The review will also help you choose the best ownership structure for your investment.

Performing a sales contract review will help prevent ambiguities and legal disputes, reduce liability on both sides, and strengthen your position. Moreover, it will ensure that you receive a fair price for your property.

During the sales contract review process, the lawyer will read the document line by line and highlight areas of concern. This will speed up the process and help you reach an agreement more quickly. They will also check that the information mentioned in the title deed and the sales contract is the same and that the land and any buildings on it adhere to zoning regulations and environmental laws.

Checking the Payment Schedule

The contract should clearly state the mode of payment and also set a time frame. A lawyer can also make sure that the contract contains a clause to reassign the property to another person or company in case you are unable to make payments.

It is important to have a legal review of contracts, particularly for foreign buyers in Thailand. It can strengthen your position, prevent legal ambiguities and help you choose the best ownership structure for your property. It can also protect you from unforeseen circumstances and save you money in the long run.

A contract review lawyer will go over your contract line by line, highlighting areas of concern and revising them where necessary. This can speed up the process of reaching an agreement and ensure that your contract meets all legal requirements. It will also protect you from potential future litigation by ensuring that your contract is fair to both parties. The sales and purchase contract is a key document in any real estate transaction, so it is crucial to get it right.

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